The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Merry Christmas!

December 23rd, 2005 . by Cary

Happiest of Christmas greetings to each and everyone of you!

I have a few posts in the works; some may see the light of day, others may just be catharsis for my thoughts. I hope to be able to get back to my semi-irregular posting schedule after the New Year; things are blocking any progress here.

Two things for my two or three readers to consider, leading into this Christmas Weekend:

1) YOU are invited to attend the Christmas Day Service at Harvest Christian Fellowship Arizona, located at 2232 W. Campbell (halfway between Indian School and Camelback) at 1:30 p.m. Christmas Day. First, you will be blessed with the fellowship of Christians; second, you will get the chance to hear my singing voice; third (and most importantly), you will get to hear about the Christ!

2) If you or someone you know would be interested in adopting Princess, please let me know. E-mail your phone number and name to me at carycartterATgmailDOTcom, I will call you with the details. She is about 17 months old, very loving (except to other dogs, so she must be the only dog), and very energetic. Princess does not like our four girl dogs and tolerates our boy dog, but she has not shown any affection to any other dogs at all. She finds cats to be fascinating – she will watch them very closely, as if they were about to make off with the family silver, but she doesn’t bother them. We need to find a home for her, as her presence has bad memories for a couple of our dogs and everyone is on eggshells while she is with us.

Blessings and peace of the season to all of you, and Merry Christmas!

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