The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Seven Things Meme

February 23rd, 2006 . by Cary

You know me – I never do today what I can put off until three weeks from now. Well, a while ago (OK, it was December 11 of last year…) the Shotgun Coach tagged me with this thing, and I figured I might as well get it over with.

Seven things to do before I die
1. Figure out how to stop a meme in it’s tracks
2. Figure out how NOT to feel guilty about stopping a meme in it’s tracks
3. Climb the rest of the world’s seven highest peaks (tough, since the USMC is no longer paying my travel expenses)
4. Learn how to fly
5. Convince TMBWitW that flying is safe
6. Learn Aramaic and Greek, the better to study the Bible
7. Ask forgiveness from everyone I’ve ever wronged, no matter how slightly

Seven things I cannot do
1. Sit down and write a complete, working, short story
2. Or even a long one
3. Get along with my ex-wife
4. Think about my ex-wife without elevating my blood pressure
5. Tolerate incompetence (ignorance is excusable; knowing what’s right and not doing it…)
6. Keep my blogs up-to-date
7. Devote enough time to my wife

Seven things that attract me to (…) my wife, TMBWitW
1. She loves me
2. She respects me
3. She has beautiful brown, full, gorgeous hair
4. Her Christian attitude
5. Her love of animals
6. She bakes the BEST snickerdoodles
7. Her beautiful eyes…

Seven things I say most often
1. Amen
2. I love you (to TMBWitW)
3. Amen!
4. Perfect! Ship it!
5. AMEN!
6. Hey! I’m DRIVING here! (to other drivers and mid-block street crossers)
7. AMEN!!

Seven books (or series) that I love
1. The Bible
2. The Hobbit
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. The Chronicles of Narnia
5. Everything by Douglas Adams
6. King of the Hill (don’t tell my wife)
7. Anything by Louis L’amour

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1. The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy)
2. Star Wars (yes, all six. In order. Of release.)
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Pearl Harbor
5. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
6. Shanghai Noon (Wilson and Chan – no match for current comedy)
7. Anything with Buster Keaton and/or Charlie Chaplin (funniest men ever)

Seven people I want to join in, too:
1. I’m sorry, I can’t think of seven people I want to inflict this on. If you want to fill one out, I will post a link to you here and that way it’s kind of a self-fulfilling list…

There. Now that’s off my list of things to procrastinate…

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