The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


October 28th, 2008 . by Cary

On November 4th, 2008, three states (Arizona, California, and Florida) have propositions or amendments on the ballot defining marriage. These will be set in stone – no judge will be able to rule otherwise.

I am biased on this subject, as I believe that marriage should be defined (as it is in the Bible) as a union of one man and one woman.

Arizona’s Proposition 102 reads as follows: “Only a union of one man and one woman will be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.” This would amend the state constitution. Currently, it is against the law in Arizona for same-sex couples to marry; this amendment would not allow reinterpretation of state law.

California’s Proposition 8 reads as follows: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” This would be in a new section (7.5) of Article 1, and would also not allow reinterpretation by judges in the future.

Florida’s Amendment 2 reads, in part, as follows: “In as much as a marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized.” This amendment will also prohibit judges from overturning this amendment as unconstitutional.

Skyline Church in San Diego, California, presented a series recently outlining the background of California’s Prop 8. Although it was taped and presented in California, the information is applicable to all three states. You can watch the series here.

I’m not going to quote chapter and verse of the Bible to sway your opinion on this matter. If you have read the Bible, and understand what God is saying through His Word, then I would be preaching to the choir; if you have already decided before you get to this sentence that I am a homophobe there is no changing your mind.

Let me get this straight: I am not scared of homosexuality. I am in fear for the souls of those who practice homosexuality unrepentantly after they have been shown the truth. Once you know the truth, and you continue to break God’s laws, then you have condemned yourself. I am not condemning you. God is. I am only letting you know what you have to look forward to. (your future, as an unrepentant sinner, involves eternal pain and a lake of fire)

Those of you in Arizona, California, and Florida: vote yes for marriage. Those of you outside these states: pray for us.

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