The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

One Day Vacation

May 9th, 2011 . by Cary

I hit a milestone the other week – one year at the new “job”. That means that bennies start kicking in – like accrued vacation. So, I took Saturday as a vacation day.

Initially, with my day off on Friday, a vacation day Saturday, and the store being closed on Sunday, we were looking forward to having a long weekend together, as a family, for the first time in a while. We were full of grand plans, like clearing out the detritus of living in the same place for more than ten years and having a garage sale. That fell apart on Friday, when I didn’t get any sleep Thursday night and spent the day taking care of MEG while TMBWitW was at work – normal Friday stuff, except I didn’t get the chance to go through the piles and start filling the garage with sale items. Then, Friday night, we ended up staying up way too late, doing things around the house – laundry, dishes, etc. – and figured the heck with it, we’ll just sleep in.

Saturday morning (late morning!) we met pastor’s wife and the girls for breakfast (Pastor had to work at the hamburger joint) at Denny’s. You know, where the Baconalia thing is going on? Well, I had the bacon breakfast. Two eggs, hash browns, bacon, bacon, bacon, and a side of bacon. Yummers.

MEG and I attended the birthday party of a young man from church – it was at Castles ‘N Coasters. A great day for the park. MEG was looking forward to the roller coaster. She kept begging me to take her on the roller coaster. Until the first loop, that is – then she was willing to wait a few years before she did that again. She had the height to ride, but not the upper body strength to keep her head up in the high-G sections. Other than that, she enjoyed the day, except for the waiting in line parts.

Mother’s day went well, except for the part where we, as a family, were going to pick out a couple of pretty things for TMBWitW (i try to avoid buying things for her without her knowing about it, no, there is no surprise, but the satisfaction rate is way up while the return rate is way down). That just never happened. Sunday evening we had dinner at Denny’s (i don’t know, it just worked out that way). I finished my dinner with a sundae.

A Maple Bacon Sundae.

Now, I am not one to avoid sweets very often. I love me a good sugar rush now and again.


Oh, my goodness. I could not finish the sundae for all the sweet syrup and ice cream. Don’t get me wrong – I managed to find all the bits of bacon hidden in that frozen delicacy – but the syrup is just over the top.

I highly recommend the Maple Bacon Sundae for all your sugar rush needs!

Chat ya later…


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