The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Spot The Errors

September 11th, 2013 . by Cary

Normally, I would let the post below stand alone all day, but this needs to be addressed and the idiocy and hypocrisy must be spotlighted, so let’s play a quick game of “Spot The Errors”, shall we?

Barack Obama(THHO): “I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike. … That’s my judgment as commander in chief. But I’m also the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy. So even though I possess the authority to order military strikes, I believed it was right, in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security, to take this debate to Congress.”

“the national security interests of the United States” – the US has no national security interest in a civil war amongst warring factions in a foreign sovereign nation.

“But I’m also the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.” It’s a constitutional republic, thank you very much, doofus-in-chief.

“even though I possess the authority to order military strikes” – well, with a Declaration of War by Congress, yes, the Commander in Chief would have that authority. Since there has been no Declaration of War that I am aware of (and I think something like that would at least make the local rag, wouldn’t it?) then no, doofus-in-chief, you do NOT have the “authority” to order a military strike.

“I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond” … “I believed it was right, in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security” – which is it? Is there a threat, or is there an absence of a threat? Can’t have it both ways, Obama(THHO).

Chat ya later…


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