The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Embarrass Much?

August 30th, 2010 . by Cary

I feel so bad about this, still – I’m hoping that by writing about it I can get out from under some of the weight…

Yesterday, when I asked the group if there were any birthdays or anniversaries this week, two were mentioned – one of the young ladies is about to become a teenager, and a son mentioned his mom’s “27th” birthday. I looked right at her – keep in mind, this is a woman I have known for a while now, we have spent time together in fellowship every weekend and some weeknights, and I can’t believe I did this – and could not remember her name. For the life of me, I blanked. My usual memory tricks failed me. I simply could not remember her name.

It wouldn’t have been so bad, really, except that before I could dredge up the name from the morass of my mind, we were singing “Happy Birthday” and it got to the part where we mentioned the names – and I didn’t have it.

Talk about an awkward silence…

Coverage was applied in the form of a joke about an old man (?!) who was attending memory classes at a school, and when asked the name of the school, he used one of the memory tricks – “Oh, what’s the name of that flower, it’s usually red, real pretty, and you give it to your true love?” “The rose?” “Yeah, that’s it – hey, Rose! What’s the name of that school I’m going to?”

Yeah, the joke made me feel real better. I just sank further into the seat (right behind her!) and hoped I could melt into the floor. She turned and said she forgave me, but I could tell I had hurt her deeply. I couldn’t apologize enough.

I’m not even fifty yet – is this the path I’m going to take? Names of friends and loved ones fading away, or playing hide-and-seek when I need them the most?

Chat ya later…


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