The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Monday, Monday

March 14th, 2011 . by Cary

So – the mechanic has the Road Rhino again, this time to see what the deal is with the lack of attention to the steering input. Not too bad, really, unless you are at highway speed and the highway curves. Then it gets a little touch-and-go, with half of your fight-or-flight center screaming like a little girl, while the other half is teeth-clenched pep-talking you through the curve.

Makes the morning commute a bit … interesting.

In other news, Japan is about to fall into the Pacific Ocean, opening a large, previously unknown underground cavern, releasing two very large and ancient enemies. Wow, that’s almost cheesy enough to be the plot of a whole series of bad sci-fi movies, isn’t it?

The new catalogs are in the mail, so there should be a slight uptick in customer traffic. Gotta love that coupon on the back cover!

Chat ya later…


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