The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

September Red Friday

September 12th, 2008 . by Cary

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I’m wearing my Lightning Sharp polo this morning.

Good show this morning – the Loon, Reverend Don, and mdconservative showed up to chew the fat. Mindy stopped in just in time to hear an audio glitch. We talked about 9/11 and the changing attitude of the US in regards to history; I talked about Logan and my best friend from high school, Bob; and we talked about a bunch of other stuff. Go check it out, and don’t forget to rate the show!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

From Autorotate: You’re Welcome Here

August 27th, 2008 . by Cary

I have a few new members of my blogroll, whom you will be meeting more in-depth tomorrow, but I wanted to point out this member’s thoughts.

From Autorotate’s Flying Circus (who I met through Texas Fred) comes this piece, truly extending a hand across the aisle:

At about 9:35 PM EST last night, it became crystal clear that the heads and powers to be in the Democrat party made a huge mistake in turning its back on Hillary Clinton and her followers. It may be a sign that the apocalypse may be upon us when I find myself rooting for Hillary and her supporters, but more than likely, it is a representation of how far left and how for lunatic-fringe the Obama camp that has hijacked the Democrat party has become.

Hillary gave the speech she had to give last night, but it was a speech that endorsed a Democrat in the White House much more so than Obama, and rightfully so. Earlier in the day, her husband, former President Bill Clinton questioned in a speech whether it “Is better to vote for a candidate who you agree with on every issue, but can’t deliver on his promises (Obama) or to vote for a candidate who you disagree with on some, but will get the job done (McCain).”

I never thought I would hear myself saying this, but when it comes down to it, the better of the two candidates in the Democrat party didn’t win. To make matters worse, she wasn’t even paid her due respect in the VP selection process and the real losers out of all of this are the blue-collar Democrats who make up the majority of her base.

Many of us now in the Republican party were born into blue-collar families and still fit into that category. Many are the sons and daughters of steel workers, coal miners, meat packers, foundry workers, truck drivers, laborers and seamstresses. Good, wholesome, hard-working, God fearing Americans, just like many of those who represent the blue-collar sector today. We weren’t all born with silver spoons in our mouths as the fringe elements of the left would like you to believe. We didn’t have it all handed to us. Most of us, like you, are still working hard, day in and day out to reach for the aspirations and dreams that have made this country what it is today.

This is why, today, I am making and emphatic push, and drive of the utmost importance, to welcome those blue-collar Democrats, those disillusioned and disenfranchised, those misled and misrepresented, to our party.

It is a sad commentary that the party of Kennedy that asked us to think not of what our country could do for us, but we could do of our country, has been hijacked by those who believe it is the government’s sole purpose to create a womb to tomb free-ride for those with no desire to work, courtesy of those same hard working men and women who make up the blue-collar component of the Democratic party’s tax dollars.

It is a sad day that the party of Roosevelt, who rose up and fought steadfastly against Nazi fascism and Japanese religiously fueled extremism to defend this great nation and protect democracy and freedom around the world has been taken over by fringe groups who resorted to encouraging cowardice is in the face of the greatest threat to this civilization since Hitler rolled into Poland.

And lastly, we should all weep that a party that once truly stood for the little guy, the working man and woman, has succumb to elitists with hidden agendas and activists of groups whose agendas are far from the moral and spiritual integrity of the common church going and American proud Democrat. This is truly not the same Democrat part, the party that many of us in the Republican parties fathers and mother’s believed in.

Zell Miller recognized this in 2004, a life-long Democrat statesman. Sen Joe Lieberman recognized this during primary election, where the party who he gave a career of lifelong support and service to, who reached across the aisle to accomplish the goals of the American people, turned their back on him, because he wasn’t far enough left, or didn’t cater to the fringe elements of the party. Despite of that, Liebermen went on to win election as an Independant, and will likely announce his affiliation to the Republican party next week during the RNC.

Yes, to this my friends, I welcome you.

Now many of you have heard that the Republican party only cares about giving tax breaks to the rich. This is partially true, but only because the Republican party believes that all tax payers in America deserve to pay less taxes, poor and rich alike. We cannot continue to punish who those in the extreme left considers to be rich, for we will end up killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

On health care, you’ve heard that Obama can provide you with free health care. But, I ask you this, is it any better have a health care program that is substandard in quality and takes months if not years to receive critical treatment, and costs the working man and woman more money in taxes than if they had bought a plan on their own? Is it fair that the family who is struggling to make ends meet on their own pay tax dollars not only for their own health care but for those who have no interest in working and contributing at all?

And on national defense, can we trust that Obama has the experience to deal with crisis of grand scale, not if, but when they occur? There is no better testament to the success of our men in women in uniform that we have not had another attack on American soil since 2001, and for extremists to sabotage and undermine many of the blue-collar Democrats own sons and daughters, serving in the ranks today, is criminal.

No, America, this is not the same Democrat Party. This truly is a party where the will of a few is carried out in the name of the many.

Let us on reach across the aisle again, just as Sen. John McCain has done so many times during his many years in the Senate, to come together, to work for the common good and safety of the great country. A country not for the fringe, the or the extremists, or the anarchists, or the socialists, or the elitists, but a country of the people, a country for the people and a country by the people.

Welcome to the blogroll, Autorotate, and keep up the great writing!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Round Up Time

August 14th, 2008 . by Cary

Apparently, my site was unavailable yesterday for some time. Since it was a Wednesday, and TMBWitW was working from home, I had no idea. A big THANK YOU to Texas Fred for leaving me a message about the fine service you can expect from StartLogic. Robert, I’m almost there.

Let’s take a quick tour, shall we?

Political Pistachio starts us off with a few questions about the reliability of one Barry Soetoro. Never heard of him? That’s the way Obama wants it to stay, apparently…

Richard has a bunch of juveniles hanging around his place on the lake.

Evolution Right is having a series of bad times – go on over and help him see through to the clear blue. (note – pessimists, don’t follow the link. we’re trying to cheer him up…)

A quick word about promoting eternal damnation over on Amazed In His Presence.

Blackfive has the latest on Georgia (the nation) and embedded reporters comparing notes on then and now.

Bloviating Zeppelin has a matter of grave importance to consider. (WARNING: graphic image, not for the weak of stomach)

GuyK has an idea on how to get the liberals and the conservatives moving in the same direction…

Words of encouragement over on Carried By Christ.

Third Wave Dave uses a clip of Baxter Black (check out YouTube if you haven’t heard of him) to point out just how lucky we are.

I just popped in on my friend Texas Fred and it doesn’t look good. He’s fed up. Anyone between Fred and the nearest crook-in-suit should probably duck. Just sayin’…

Good Thought of the Day over on Andrew Tallman’s page.

Seems Obama is not the only one who’s word is being questioned – see cube’s entry on the BLOG about China and some age issues…

Jenn has good news for the left.

American and Proud has confirmation of Jenn’s report.

Samantha is busy this week, but she managed to get a word in edgewise about Murtha and post-firefight recall. Good read. Be sure to follow her links, too.

Alaska Steve has a picture of something that was picked up on the side of the road. Hint: I wish I had that.

Gawfer has a video of some precision moves.

Talking about “stressful schedules” over on Akinoluna.

RattlerGator (a new member of my blogroll, in case I didn’t mention it earlier) has a very good piece up regarding the Georgia/Russia war.

This one is a double-link. The Bull is having problems with segregation in his child’s middle school. Old Soldier has blogged about it. Check out the original article, and give Bull your support.

Kathi is talking about a burn clinic run by volunteers in Iraq.

Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds has the results from a fraud survey – hang on to your wallets before reading this one!

The Loon has a piece up on what Virginia’s Governor, Tim Kaine (D-which stands for dumb) has claimed – that the Obamanation brokered the cease-fire between Russia and Georgia. Really? A junior senator from Illinois managed to broker peace between countries without going there, in the middle of his campaign for president? He is truly remarkable – if for nothing else, then the lengths his supporters will go to make him appear larger than life.

cookiecrumbexpress has a great quote from Reagan posted.

A word from Regular Ron regarding the vestiges of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine.”

Just John is pondering his course of action regarding a couple of guys he oversees who are acting like they just joined the outfit, instead of supposedly being in the leadership of said outfit…

Mary gives us a well-written review of My Heart Remembers.

Amboy Times has more information on the Georgia/Russia war.

On Our Sovereign Joy, Scott shares the news that he may be moving to a new congregation. Best of everything, Scott!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round Up

August 7th, 2008 . by Cary

Good stuff going on today – let’s start out with Gawfer, my squid buddy, who got off blogspot and into a sleek WordPress template on a paid server…

I’m going to group all these together, as they all have a common theme: The Invasion of the United States by Armed Members of the Mexican Army!
Old Soldier, GuyK, , and American and Proud.

GuyK just figured out his camera also does videos…

Richard has a question about the migration patterns of birds around his neck of the … lake.

Blackfive has a great lineup – they always have a great lineup – and I will correct my statement – they are decidedly pro-military and quite biased in that regard. They love the military. They support the military. Some of them are still in the military.

Write on the Right displays the inequality of the sexes.

Akinoluna has a tough entry, and some scary thoughts about her fellow Marines.

The Loon gets the lake excited about the Freedom Walk.

Greybeard has re-gained the weight he lost a year ago, and is headed back to the “eatrightandexercise” diet that was successful for him before. Matter of fact, I need to do that too. I’ve re-gained what I lost while talking to him about it…

Speaking of Greybeard, he pointed me to the newest member of my blogroll, RattlerGator. Good read, and thoughtful insight from what looks to be a great addition.

They went on a shooting expedition over at cookiecrumbexpress. Pictures!

Andrew has a thought about television.

Our Sovereign Joy has a good post about tradition.

Amboy Times has a report on the effects of socialism (*cough*obama*cough*) does to a country.

Jenn has an update on the highly awaited Nancy Pelosi book tour…

Political Pistachio had a good show last night – did ya miss it?

Kathi highlights the book “I Will Not Be Broken” on Mail Call! Don’t forget to check out her Wednesday Hero.

Fraud, Phishing, and Misdeeds has good news – the largest fraud ring in history has been broken!

Brother Johnny finished up his series on Nothing Good To Say over on Amazed In His Presence.

the BLOG talks about the roots of genius…

Steve talks about another world on A Sense of Place.

Kris is having noise issues with the restaurant next door on This Is Stoke Newington.

“I Told You So” coming from a redhead? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. See what she told us at Samantha Speaks.

Ablur wants you to sit back and let go of your stress for a minute…

BZ has a short post up while he’s more concerned with the health of his Dad. Prayers to the family, BZ.

Some tips to those running for president over on Dumb Looks Still Free.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Round Up Time

July 31st, 2008 . by Cary

Has it been a week already? Wow… time flies.

First up (on the random “top of the blogrolls” generator) is Texas Fred with a reiteration on his beliefs about where the WoT should have been, and why going where we did was a mistake. Good read. Oh, and he’s on his new server, too.

In case I haven’t made this clear before, Blackfive is the site for unbiased pieces on anything military.

cube has a piece up on the BLOG about He Who Must Not Be Middle Named.

Regular Ron shares his outlook on the possible shutdown looming in September on Old Right Daily.

Richard (At The Water) shows why he wants to get into digiscoping.

Samantha got the rough end of a conversation when trying to do the right thing.

Old Soldier has a bit of a rant on the money-burning habits of a particular sheik in the Middle East.

Brother Helms on Amazed In His Presence has a series of interesting entries…

GuyK cuts loose on the latest campaign ad flurry over on Charming, Just Charming.

Don’t visit Steve if you have a high jealousy factor of blue skies, clean air, gorgeous panoramas and abundant wildlife. I only go there to report his entries. And yearn to hike the same trails.

Doug reports on an Early Warning Station that is in place to overlook Israel.

Did you know that if you are White then you are considered to be racist? Simply for being White? Check out American And Proud Of It for details. (full disclosure: I am considered to be a bog-dwelling, racist redneck and infidel – and darned proud of it, too!)

Jenn has the McCain ad posted that rips on Obama by comparing him to other media-made darlings.

John Starley has an excellent piece up regarding the spending habits of Congress on Fire of Liberty.

Good Thought of the Day over on Andrew Tallman’s blog.

Akinoluna reflects on what five years is.

BZ has a question for those who still think in America regarding Mr. HopeyChangieness on Bloviating Zeppelin.

Go on up to the tab labeled “All Blogrolls Here” and run down the list. I’m sure you will find something to comment on!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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