The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Red Friday

June 13th, 2008 . by Cary

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Wearing my Lightning Sharp polo today – being all casual and what not.

You would have known this if you had listened to the show this morning – oh, wait, that’s right. I had connectivity issues and couldn’t host the show, so it was pretty much a bust.

Next time.

One of the things I was going to touch on on the show was the Supreme’s ruling that people don’t have to be citizens in order to be protected by this country’s constitution.

Great. Now all the illegals can claim rights under the constitution, since the Gitmo detainees have managed to weasel their way under it’s umbrella.

President Bush, it’s time to grow a pair – what, are you afraid your popularity rating will nosedive? You aren’t headed for another term in the White House, so what’s the harm? Cowboy up, Mr. President, and tell the Supremes they are WRONG to grant rights to non-citizens.

So, if you are a terrorist, fighting US soldiers, and are captured in the process of fighting US soldiers, and you are not wearing a uniform – it’s OK! Before, if the US had abided by the Geneva Convention, the detainee would have been executed in the field. Since that is distasteful to the liberals, the US afforded them protections under the Geneva Convention, by instead imprisoning them and granting them legal representation. Apparently that isn’t enough for the Justices Who Would Be Kings, and now these non-citizens, held for participating in non-uniformed acts of aggression on uniformed members of a recognized, standing army, have all the same rights and privileges as any citizen of the United States under the constitution.

Fantastic. Annie, get your gun.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Rare Wednesday Post

May 28th, 2008 . by Cary

As you may or may not remember, Wednesday is usually a day of rest from the blog. Today is one of those rare days when TMBWitW is working not from home but in her office in The Dark Tower today (end of an accounting cycle, you know) and I get to play on the computer until MEG wakes up.

First thing out the gate on this auspicious occasion? Gawfer opens up a can and shares a video that he got from Jake. The video has some very good information and connecting of the dots in regards to a certain young presidential candidate (notice the use of the word “young” – that rules out McSame and Clintoon) and should, in my opinion, be required viewing for anyone who thinks this dude is some sort of political messiah.

Video available here.

Second – sometimes, Windows drives me crazy. I try to get logged on and get going on the computer before MEG wakes up, and something needs to be updated. Or, something needs to be restarted. Or, something has magically uninstalled itself and needs attention. Que sera.

When MEG does wake up, she will wander into the office at some time, point to the monitor, and say “Wha wha?”

No, she’s not asking for water. She is asking for this. TMBWitW accidentally showed this to MEG one day while trying to find a certain Dalmatian game on Now, it’s all MEG wants to see on the computer. Never mind some of us actually do other things with the computer…

I hear MEG now, so that’s my cue. Have a good hump day, ya’ll.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Cease and Desist

November 19th, 2007 . by Cary

Spotted this over at prying1‘s place:


Please copy this posting and put it up on your blog. Please don’t consider this a left or right posting. It concerns all bloggers. – It will only cost you a few minutes time. Spread the word and have your friends post it too! Originally from Publius Forum


-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is an interesting question: Can a city stop a private citizen from putting a link on their website to a city website?

The question arises over a Sheboygan, Wisconsin case where a woman who is often critical of the town mayor was ordered by the city to remove a city website link from her own pages. Yes, you heard me correctly… ORDERED to remove that link. The Sheboygan Press posted the story a week or so ago and it got me thinking about the abuse of power indulged in by this small Wisconsin town.


In a move initiated by Perez, City Attorney Steve McLean sent a cease-and-desist letter earlier this month to Jeni Reisinger, who was among the leaders of a mayoral recall effort last year, officials acknowledged Friday.

The letter, dated Oct. 19, states, “maintenance of this link could be construed as having been authorized or endorsed by the city and/or its police department” and should be removed “until such time as the city were to authorize such a link.”


This has to be a joke, right? A city attorney who has the gall to attempt to force a private citizen to remove a link to public city website should be summarily removed from his position. Further, if he was put up to this outrageous action by Mayor Juan Perez, then this mayor should similarly be removed.

Of course, this city government is being run by a bunch of bumbling nitwits, here. Of that none can deny. But, the situation is galling none-the-less. If this city can prevent people from linking to a public service, then what else can they strong-arm the public over? Can the city decide that, forthwith, all people critical of office holders should receive a “cease and desist” letter? Maybe no one should even be “allowed” to run against them for office from this point onward? The arrogance of this is shocking, to say the least.

The next thing you know, every city will look like the mob infested city of Chicago, run by the criminal enterprise we call the Daley family!

In any case, if the City of Sheboygan is so afraid of people visiting their webpages then why have them at all? Now, if you’d like to go to their sites and ask a few questions, you can see them here:

The officious Sheyboygan Police are here –

Give a shout out and a Sieg Heil to Mayor Juan Perez here —

Perez’ henchman, attorney Stephen G. McLean, can be visited here–

Now, I hope every blogger adds these links to their websites. Let’s see if the “people’s city” city of Sheboygan, Wisconsin can get all of us to stop linking to a public website?


I’m looking forward to getting a C&D letter from the city attorney. My first question will be “What is your jurisdiction?”

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!