The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Time to Retire

March 25th, 2009 . by Cary

loaded and ready to go

Got half the install pretty much complete this morning. The customer has two baths, and only wanted one out of commission at a time, so the hall bath was ready for the new cabinets when I got there:

waiting for cabinets

…and that’s the last picture I took at the jobsite. For some reason, I put the camera back in the vehicle, and forgot about it until I got home. It’s OK though – I’ll be back up there to install the rest of the cabinets and all the trim pieces, which means that I will have finished product pictures soon.

No, it’s not time for me to retire. When I got home, there was a stiff breeze blowing (has been for a few days, but this is the first time I’ve been out front and looking in the right direction to notice…) and the flag was standing out. I have GOT to pay more attention to the flag I’ve kept flying since the Global War on Terror (just because Obama doesn’t want to say it doesn’t mean we can’t!) started; my plan was to keep it flying until the ridiculous islamists are finished with their little temper tantrums. This flag won’t be the one to finish out the watch, though.

time to retire

It has now been folded and will join the rest of the flags (seven so far) that have worn out and are awaiting a trip to the American Legion.

Downside – TMBWitW was out and about at the time, and we talked. She checked in a flag store where she was, and to replace the 3×5 American Made United States flag would cost upwards of $50.00. That’s a lot of money for a guy without steady income. So, unfortunately, there will be no flag on the front pole until I get some income. I sure feel bad, though – being a patriot as I am, it pains me to not have a flag up and waving.

Chat ya later…


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