The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

I’m Supposed to be Cleaning the Office

June 21st, 2008 . by Cary

TMBWitW and I were working on cleaning up the “office” here in the house. Earlier, it looked like a war zone. There was a play pen stuffed with toys, there are two desks (one for the computer, one for the peripherals), there is a set of storage shelves built out of 2×4’s and 3/4″ plywood, and there are the remnants/beginnings of an HO scale model railroad stacked here and there. All in a room that is 11×13. The whole thing was supposed to be the railroad room, but that got sidetracked. (get it? railroad? sidetracked? i kill me … )

Anyway – I got distracted while glancing through the e-mail. Good discussion over at Texas Fred’s place and at Bushie’s place. Jump in the discussions, I think it’s going to be a long comment session.

I also got invited to become a member of the editorial staff of Reject the UN. I accepted.

So, the office is in disarray, about to be taken off-line for rearranging and a general cleaning, the play pen has been stored, and I’m tired. TMBWitW and MEG are both napping – I probably should, too.

In fact, I think I will.

Have a good weekend!

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