The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Calling All Domestic Terrorists

April 21st, 2009 . by Cary

Yesterday, I pointed you to a quiz that would help you figure out if you were considered a Domestic Terrorist by the current administration. Today, I wish to point you to a nice guy named Joe. He has an article posted on his blog that gives us, the unrepentant Domestic Terrorists, the chance to proudly declare our status:

… As you know, we conservatives have been lumped together as right wing extremists by Janet Napolitano, Director of the Department of Homeland Security.

Interestingly, while she apologized for including veterans in our unseemly group, she has not apologized for lumping the rest of us together.

Now, the venerable Napolitano has provided a toll free number with which people can REPORT the Right Wing Extremist with whom you come in contact…even if it is you!

Imagine hundreds of phone calls flooding the DHS switchboard (do switchboards still exist?) with self described right wing extremists reporting in.

Well, if you want to get involved, and report yourself, here is the number:


Yeah – just imagine. Most of us are already on watch lists, since we attended those “anti-American” TEA Parties the other day.

As long as I am on the subject of being an Extremist, let’s jump over to Ol’ Broad and read a love letter from Uncle Ted that she has posted.

Please, feel free to discuss in the comments what the switchboard’s reaction was when you reported yourself. I left a voice mail, since it is a voice mail box number. Let’s see what happens, shall we? Judging from the response time of other government offices, I am not expecting anything to happen except that they will lose my information. Again.

Chat ya later…


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