The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Thank You

October 28th, 2010 . by Cary

If you are reading this, thank you. It means you haven’t given up on me. You still pop in here once in a while to see if I’ve written anything lately, and for that, I am grateful. Not very prolific in the communication sector, but grateful nonetheless.

I’ve been getting a bunch of “Commit to Vote” notes on Facebook. Since I’ve already voted by absentee ballot, I did commit to vote, but I’m not going to join that movement (or any other movements that require this) because they demand access to your information so they can spam you later … along with all your Facebook Friends. And, being the kind, loving guy that I am, I’m not going to force you all to face that kind of intrusion if I can help it.

Speaking of voting – the AFA sent out it’s very helpful voting guide today. However, since I’ve already voted … I’ve decided that information after the fact is no longer needed. I unsubscribed. I am unsubbing to a lot of things that I used to think I needed.

Oh, and as a reminder – vote next Tuesday. I don’t care who you personally feel you need to vote for, although if you are a regular here or at any of the Daily Reads over in the sidebar, you will be voting for “Not The Incumbent No Matter Who They Are” and flushing that transparent bowl of DC. The important thing is to vote. This country needs to hear from the majority – and I don’t think the majority is a group of left-leaning extremists who want to coddle everyone from cradle to grave on the public dime.

I’m also considering unsubscribing from Facebook. Just another time suck that is eating away at the family time. Heh – remember the old horror movies where the computers were trying to take over the humans? And the humans were trying to prevent it? Who knew that the fictional part of that one would be the humans trying to prevent it from happening?

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Arizona Primary Day

August 24th, 2010 . by Cary

So – sure hope you’ve got your vote on!

Since I’m registered as “No Party Affiliation” I have to go to a polling place this morning and request a ballot for a particular party. Except Democrat – they don’t want any non-Dems voting in their primary. Since I have to leave earlier, this kinda throws off the whole “routine” thing I was working on!

Now, get out there and VOTE! Or, if you don’t, then just be quiet about the direction the country is taking. The adults will try to get this sovereign nation, these United States, back on the right track.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!