The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

NOW He Notices …

November 13th, 2013 . by Cary

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: “The mainstream media, I believe, wants ObamaCare to fail. They look for every negative number they can find. They’re afraid to do a positive story because they’re afraid that somebody might not watch. The media is just cherry-picking the bad facts that are out there, repeating them over and over again, and in many cases, they’re making stuff up.”

Emphasis mine.

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Spot The Errors

September 11th, 2013 . by Cary

Normally, I would let the post below stand alone all day, but this needs to be addressed and the idiocy and hypocrisy must be spotlighted, so let’s play a quick game of “Spot The Errors”, shall we?

Barack Obama(THHO): “I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons through a targeted military strike. … That’s my judgment as commander in chief. But I’m also the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy. So even though I possess the authority to order military strikes, I believed it was right, in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security, to take this debate to Congress.”

“the national security interests of the United States” – the US has no national security interest in a civil war amongst warring factions in a foreign sovereign nation.

“But I’m also the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.” It’s a constitutional republic, thank you very much, doofus-in-chief.

“even though I possess the authority to order military strikes” – well, with a Declaration of War by Congress, yes, the Commander in Chief would have that authority. Since there has been no Declaration of War that I am aware of (and I think something like that would at least make the local rag, wouldn’t it?) then no, doofus-in-chief, you do NOT have the “authority” to order a military strike.

“I determined that it is in the national security interests of the United States to respond” … “I believed it was right, in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security” – which is it? Is there a threat, or is there an absence of a threat? Can’t have it both ways, Obama(THHO).

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!


August 7th, 2013 . by Cary

I like the middle of the week. Halfway to the weekend, and I get to take a break and spend time in fellowship with my church family. Can’t beat that, really.

Hope your Wednesday is going well, also. I’l leave you with this:

“Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become wolves.”

–Thomas Jefferson, letter to Edward Carrington, 1787

Founder’s Quote Daily

Lots of howling from the Hill anymore …

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Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Yeah, We Know His Character

July 31st, 2013 . by Cary

“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge; I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers.”

–John Adams, Dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

Founder’s Quote Daily

… and we have seen five years of his conduct. Are we done yet?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Bonus Wednesday

July 31st, 2013 . by Cary

Bonus Quote:

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”

–Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775

Founder’s Quote Daily

Can you feel how heavy the oppressive weight of the collective ignorance in this country is becoming?

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

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