The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

MEG Friday

December 30th, 2011 . by Cary

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Kind of weird, today – since I’ve changed my day off to Tuesday and I no longer have Friday to loll about the pool. Turns out that in retail, it is very unusual for a manager to have Friday off, and being new to retail I didn’t know that. That has now changed, with all necessary changes made to the logistics involved with having a young child.

Speaking of which – she turns 5 today. Hard to believe that it’s been five years since God blessed us with MEG’s presence. She is so grown up – she’s reading, and knows basic math, and the way her mind works is just wonderful to watch. She will look at something and puzzle out the how or why, and then ask if what she figured out was correct.

Due to the agreement with her mother, I will not be posting a picture of her on this blog. You might be able to catch a view of her on Facebook, in occasional pictures here and there.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Birthday Red Friday

April 23rd, 2010 . by Cary

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Happy Birthday to a few friends: Doug, my cousin Jackie, and John.

I’ll be out cabbin’ it today, and this evening I’ll be trying to finish getting the power booster out of the road rhino so I can put the new one in. Yes, it’s paid off, but dang if you don’t keep having to put money into it.

UPDATE: Just went in to wake TMBWitW up to take me to the cage (with the road rhino down, she would have to drive me there). She said “I had a dream that you said you weren’t going to drive a cab today” I said “I had a dream that I blew through my alarm and you said not to go in today.”

I’m going back to sleep for a little bit, and then resuming work on the road rhino.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!